Improve your English with a movie!

Opis wydarzenia

  • Data: Sept 10, 2013
  • Сzas: 18:30
  • Adres: Adres widoczny dla uczestników

We'll meet at El PAso de Los Toros, with a GREAT warm & cold buffet for €6, for some English conversation!

Then if you like we can offer you tickets for:
NOW YOU SEE ME by L. Leterrier with M. Freeman, I. Fisher – 110’

@Cinema Arcobaleno, just 2 min walk from the bar.

We will offer you movie tickets at €3,80 instead of €6,50 but...ARRIVE BY 7.20pm and write your name on the list

Oni o nas mówią!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2013
Thanks for proposal