Hello September! (italian - english)

Descrierea evenimentului

  • Data: Aug 31, 2013
  • Timp: 12:30
  • Adresa: Adresă vizibilă pentru participanți
  • Facebook
  • Număr de telefon: 3280203727

Well... finally i've decided to organize a meeting. As I don't like to say goodbye (to my August laziness)  I prefer to say Hello to the new season!

It'll be an afternoon where to share the lunch (if you want to) and some hours of culture exchange... 

The park Sempione of Milan  is placed in the city center (behind the Castle).

I'll be wainting at viale Emilio Alemagna and Viale Gerolamo Gadio (no number- the west side-  close to Cadorna).

Have  a great weekend!!!

for italian: green
for english: yellow or orange
for spanish: red
I thought that would be nice if everyone could be identified with a color in order to show what language is everyone available to teach :) thanks ps. it could be with a hat, t-shirt or bracelet... whatever you want!
As you can imagine this is a pic nic, so to be comfortable you need a  TELO/COPERTA (che in inglese non ho idea come chiamarlo).
If you know any foreing or strange family game... you're welcome!!
Vorbesc despre noi!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


italian_on_the_net profile picture italian_on_the_netAugust 2013
Mi dispiace ma, a causa di un contrattempo dell'ultimo minuto, oggi non potrò essere con voi. Spero in un prossimo incontro.
I'm sorry but i cannot be with you today. I hope in a next meeting.
Virginia_It profile picture Virginia_ItAugust 2013

I'm very sorry, we'll not be at the meeting next Saturday. 

vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2013
Thanks for proposal
gleidy profile picture gleidyAugust 2013
for italian: green
for english: yellow or orange
for spanish: red

I thought that would be nice if everyone could be identified with a color in order to show what language is everyone available to teach thanks ps. it could be with a hat, t-shirt or bracelet... whatever you want!