First Meeting In ROME!!!!!!! Primer Meeting en ROMA!!!!!

Описание события

  • Дата: Oct 27, 2007
  • Время: 21:00
  • Адрес: Адрес, видимый участниками

Hi there,
we are organizing the first meeting in Rome!

We are 2 ex erasmus students, so we'd like to continue to practice languages, We are italians and we'd like to practice above all English and Spanish and help foreign students with italian, but we accept every students come from all the world!!

So the first meeting in Rome is Saturday 27 october at 21,00

Pub 'Devil's chair' Via Tripolitania, 190 zone Parioli-Trieste

To arrive by Termini Station(piazza dei cinquecento) take the bus 38(Baseggio) and get off to Libia/Lago Tana, then walk to Via Tripolitania,190. For futher information about buses visit

To confirm please register yourself click here REGISTER

For futher information contact us in our mailbox: luxina and sharleen


Hola a todos!
estamos oraganizando el primer meeting en Roma!   

Somos 2 ex estudiantes erasmus así que nos gustaría seguir practicando los idiomas, somos italianas y nos gustaría practicar sobre todo el inglés y el español y ayudar a los estudiantes extranjeros con el italiano, a pesar de esto todos los estudiantes están bienvenidos!

El primer meeting es en Roma sabado 27 de octubre a las 21:00 horas en el

Pub 'Devil's chair' via Tripolitania, 190 en el barrio Parioli Trieste.

Para llegar de la estación Termini (piazza dei cinquecento) coged el autobus 38 (Baseggio) y bajad a Libia/Lago Tana y seguís andando hasta via Tripolitania, 190.

Por una mayor información
sobre los autobuses visitad la web

Para confirmar pulsad la tecla REGISTER.

Por una mayor información contactadnos  en nuestra mailbox : luxina y sharleen

Они говорят о нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2007

only 2 days before the big day so, I have send another email reminder to the Total members in Lazio = 194
pat profile picture patOctober 2007
Just a quick wrap up before the next Polyglot Meeting in ROME, on 27 October from 9pm.

If you happen to be a male (safer than a female), you may want to leave your phone number RIGHT HERE, so people can gather more easily inside the pub.

Likewise, when you enter the bar, do introduce yourself to the bartender as a "Polyglot Member who takes part in the 27 October Polyglot Meeting". He will help all the participants to get together with minimum efforts.

HAVE FUN during the Polyglot Meeting. Don't forget to take pictures and post them RIGHT HERE, on the "Photos" section, and do leave your comments RIGHT BELOW :-))



Polyglot Administrator
lepolyglotte profile picture lepolyglotteOctober 2007
Hi guys: I would have loved to join you guys, but on that day we are holding the first Polyglot meeting in Bangkok! Pecato per non dire p.... miseria! May-be next time.
Mei4Mei profile picture Mei4MeiOctober 2007

Oh, guys, I'm in Erasmus right now, I would have really loved to join...

Next time I'll be there for sure!!!


vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2007

I have just sent a mailing to the polyglot members from  Lazio = 187

All the best,


Polyglot admin
pat profile picture patSeptember 2007
Hurray! First meeting in Rome! Long live the Rome section of Polyglot, and enjoy the meeting =)

vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2007
Good job,

I have sent you a personal msg

don't hesitate if you have questions,


