Polyglot Members,May GetTogether Meeting

Etkinlik Açıklaması


Amish7011 profile picture Amish7011May 2014
If God wants, I'll come ;)
aaida profile picture aaidaMay 2014


خیلی دوست دارم که بیام

فقط لطف می کنید بگین که کجا قراره همدیگرو ببینیم؟

منظورم اینه که تو کافی شاپ یا رستوران یا پارک


لطفا تاریخش هم بگین



MomoRabieifar profile picture MomoRabieifarMay 2014
جدا یعنی این همه چندزبانه تو تهران هست؟؟
  • SalehEdalati profile picture SalehEdalatiMay 2014
    Yes there are a lot of bilingual people in Theran, simply because this is the capital of the country. Also please would you write in English so everybody would understand you.
vincent profile picture vincentMay 2014

Thanks for proposal :D
Vince, admin