Medan Polyglot Club Meetup

Descrierea evenimentului

  • Data: Oct 01, 2016
  • Timp: 16:00
  • Adresa: Adresă vizibilă pentru participanți
  • Numărul de participanți așteptați: 30
  • Facebook
  • Număr de telefon: 081260403069
In this meetup we can practice and show off our skills in multiple languages like English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Korean, Arabic etc. This meetup focuses on speaking/communication skills meaning we will have a lot of conversations here.
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Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2016
Thanks for the pictures ! this is a good start

My first event in Paris I was the only one we are now 100 people three times a week
vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2016
Thanks for proposal. We are sending an invitation to all the members from the region. Best regards, Vincent, admin