Chit Chat Polyglot Surabaya

Descripción del evento

  • Fecha: Feb 14, 2015
  • Tiempo: 13:00
  • Dirección: Dirección visible para los asistentes
  • Número de Asistentes previsto: 5
  • Máximo numero de asistentes: 10
  • Número de teléfono: +6285745434831

This meeting is for introduce people who want to learn another languages but still as new member and do not know how and what to do it. So please help our friends! ^_^ yes

The meeting will be held on :

Day, Date/Month/Year    : Saturday, 14/02/2015

Time                                 : 13.00 - finish

Place                                 : Delta Plaza Mall ( Coffee shop near

                                           Gunung Agung bookshop )

                                           Jl. Pemuda 33 - 37 Surabaya

Dresscode                         : Casual


cool  Message me your first name and your native language. Please come and join for this meeting. We will be glad if you want to join us! cool


NB : Do not be late and bring an origami so we will know if you're the person who join Polyglot smileyenlightenedenlightened

¡Hablan de nosotros!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2015
Please click on Update Event : the date is February 2015 ! Thanks Vincent, admin
riful profile picture rifulAugust 2015
Halo, tgl 8/8 2015 ada pertemuan d AW Cito jam 15.15. Kalo bisa datang ya trims
nukyeca profile picture nukyecaFebruary 2015
Huaaaa :-( telat tau infonya kapan* kalo ada kabarin donk hiks
rongkong78 profile picture rongkong78February 2015
Udh dtg..tapi g ada coffee shop di dekat gunung agung juga g ada orang di mooncherry.... hick..hick
  • riful profile picture rifulFebruary 2015
    hai rongkong. maaf td saya dan mahenda pindah ke mcd utk kopi data. mohon maaf jg utk yg sms saya td namanya ade, hp saya di tas. bisa whatsapp saya di 089678266106 jika mau ktmuan lgi. krn yg buat event jg ga bsa dhbungi. rencananya sih mau ktmu lgi mnggu dpan. nanti saya koordinir lg.
riful profile picture rifulFebruary 2015
Hi pada dmana ini. Ktmuannya di moncheri itu kah? Bsa sms 089678266106 / 08974455229
riful profile picture rifulFebruary 2015
Hi, Aku langsung dateng sama temenku kesana boleh gak ya. Pokoknya bawa origami kan ? I can speak English and Deutsch. Interested in Russian and French. Yang minat mau ngopi buku pembelajaran BHS Russia bisa bawa FD min 2GB untuk kopi data kalo mau anime jepang jg ada bbrp yg bagus di leptopku. THX.
ShellyEscriva profile picture ShellyEscrivaJanuary 2015
how to join? i alreadytexted that number but no respon :/