Polyglots Pune meeting

Event description

  • Petsa: Jul 30, 2022
  • Oras / Panahon: 18:30
  • Tirahan: Nakikita ang lugar para sa mga dadalo
  • Number of Attendees expected: 5
  • MAX number of attendees: 15
  • Numero ng telepono: 9623449944

Hello all ! I'm Isha from Pune! I'm new to this club, and would love to meet some of its members! 

I'm inviting you all offline to Prakash Bahirat Park
https://maps.app.goo.gl/xHMiC3CQQQLrs1Nz7, to discuss about some of my language related initiatives. This is no business meeting, just want to get to know some of you! 

They talk about us!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club