Welcome back!

Ürituse kirjeldus

  • Kuupäev: May 11, 2007
  • Aeg: 17:02
  • Aadrees: Address visible for attendees

My dear Bangalorians

Its a pleasure and my privelege to talk to you. This is a wonderful cosmopolitan city with people from different parts of the world resides. What a great coincidence that we are more than 300 people here in polyglot to share the languages and their by the culture and values.

This forum is a great opportunity for us to know and learn each other. I see there is not much activity in this city. Let us be the torch bearers for the polyglot movement in India and revisit what the founding memebrs of this forum envisaged.

I request all of you to be active and visit te site frequently and to enlighten all with new forums and interactions. Let that be a new beginning and we can move forward .

Wish you all a great week end ahead...............warm regards...............sree

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