Guatemala - Polyglot Reto


HaroldJimmie profile picture HaroldJimmieJune 2016
Hola buenas noches. Soy Harold y anhelo mejorar mi nivel en el aprendizaje del idioma hebreo. Espero aportar en mi lengua o en inglés de alguna manera.

DAVEEV profile picture DAVEEVApril 2016
polyglotdave profile picture polyglotdaveJune 2013
Nice to meet you. I speak English and French apart from Spanish
polyglotdave profile picture polyglotdaveMarch 2013
Feel free to give me feedback. I would like to know which languages you are studying and why
Willphotomusic profile picture WillphotomusicJuly 2012
Hi everyone, I NEED practice my english, help me please!!!!
  • polyglotdave profile picture polyglotdaveMarch 2013
    Welcome. I'm the administrator of Polyglot Club in GUatemala. I welcome you here and hope we can communicate some more
polyglotdave profile picture polyglotdaveMarch 2013
Ilive in Guatemala and would like to welcome all Guatemalans to a possible meetup some day. Communicate if you might be interested
Create Event (Guatemala)


Ili parolas pri ni!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club