Event description

  • תאריך: Feb 26, 2010
  • Time: 20:00
  • כתובת: Address visible for attendees
  • Couchsurfing

Dear all Polyglots in Athens !!!  

Welcome to the SECOND OFFICIAL POLYGLOT MEETING in Athens on Friday 26th of February 2010!   The meeting is FREE!

We are going to meet up to practice our different languages in a bar. If you would like to and could participate on this meeting, please register here as soon as possible.

* When?

Friday 26th of February 2010 from 8 pm to 11 pm.

* Where? 

Gallery cafe, Pedestrian Adrianou 33

Tel: 210-3249080
Gallery cafe website:
The place is in the center of Athens and everybody knows Monastiraki!!

* How?

Do you know at least 2 languages and would like to practice one or several languages in an international environment with other polyglot members (if you are not yet a member please register for free a.s.a.p.), then you are most welcome to our meeting.

For more information about the Polyglot Club meetings please see the Polyglot Club's conditions and rules on this website.

We hope to see a great number of people on Polyglot Club meeting in Athens!  

N.B. Because of a limited space, of the bar, we will only be able to accept the first 50 registered members to this meeting, so please register a.s.a.p. if you would like participate on this great event. 

With Polyglot Regards,


(your Polyglot Club's hosts for this meeting).

PS. If you have any questions regarding this meeting please input a comment to this meeting, and we will give you a reply.  

!הם משוחחים עלינו

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


Komninos73 profile picture Komninos73October 2018

Hello there ,

Iam Theodore komninos

In this meeting that we will attend

there would  be German people as well?

penelopa4 profile picture penelopa4February 2013
I want to come for meeting
as well
vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2010

Hello all the participants of the 2nd meeting in Athens !!

Unfortunately, the 10 persons coming from Paris including myself will not be able to attend this event because our flight was cancelled (strike).

However it DOES NOT mean that this event is also cancelled.  We encourage you to attend the meeting anyway!!

I called the bar owner and he said there will not be any problem to welcome you all (I  said 20 persons).

When you enter the bar ask for the "POLYGLOT MEETING".  The bar owner will place you on the same table.

Best regards,


stayats profile picture stayatsFebruary 2010

Ill'be there, on cloud nine,   lol!!!!.

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2010

Event is also organized here with the CouchSurfing world famous non profit organization !!!


vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2010

It's gonna be great !!

vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2010

8 members from Paris are coming especially for this EVENT !!

Trip organized here =>



    & devenez VIP!! [?]