FIRST POLYGLOT meeting in Athens !!


  • 日期: Jun 06, 2008
  • 时间: 20:00
  • 地址: 参与者可见的地址

Hello POLYGLOTS from Athens !!

Anyone wanting to practice foreign languages for FREE is welcome to attend the
Back to Polyglot Home page  MEETING IN ATHENS.

Please, REGISTER HERE  with the number of people you bring!!

What ?

The idea is to meet people and have conversations in your mother tongue as well as in foreign languages which you learn or teach : English, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and and many more exotic languages will be available as members sign up for the event.

Kuba (coming from France) and speaking Polish, English and French will be there to organize this event along with
offroad !! However he needs a little help from you Polyglot members from Athen, in order to find the best place to organize this meeting.

KUBA FRENCH PHONE NUMBER + 33 6 75 28 55 54 in case you need to find him once you arrive in the place or to have more information about the event.

offroad greek mobile phone number 0030 694 2558570.

  encourages you to avoid speaking your native language
with another member if you share the same mother tongue

The same event has also been created on the Couchsurfing site here

Please, REGISTER HERE  with the number of people you bring!!

When ?

Friday night 6th of JUNE from 8PM to 12PM

Where ?


Gallery cafe

Pedestrian Adrianou 33

Tel: 210-3249080

Gallery cafe site is

I should describe in details how easily somebody can reach the place because is really in the centre of Athens and everybody knows Monastiraki!!


1st Route

From Syntagma Square take the METRO (blue line) to next station Monastiraki.

Take the exit to Athinas st  and then wright and strate to opposite square.

After the square the second street on your wright is Adrianou. 200  metres far is GALLERY CAFE.   

2nd Route

From Omonia square take the  Electric Train HΣ Α Π (not METRO) to next station Monastiraki.

After the square (outside the station) the second street on your  round wright is Adrianou. 200  meter far is GALLERY CAFE. 

Both routes is so sort that is possible somebody to cover the distance on foot!!!!

As for time I think is more capable for 20.00- 20.30 pm.


Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentJune 2008
Hello everybody,

I have edited the meeting description with all the relevant info : I hope I did not make any mistake

good luck for your meeting and don't forget to post pictures !!

best regards,


polyglot admin (unfortunately I live in Paris)
ghehcore profile picture ghehcoreJune 2008
Argh! Monastiraki on a Friday night?! Odin help us! :P
jakub_polyglot profile picture jakub_polyglotJune 2008

Thank you very much for all the infos Christo! See you there! :-)


offroad profile picture offroadJune 2008

Κ α λ η μ έ ρ α

Good morning

At last  I  made    three small maps for our destination to GALLERY CAFE.

I hope that it would be helpfull for everybody.

I made a reservation for 10-12 persons.

Proposed time is 20.00-20.30 pm

Hope to see you there



Margharittta profile picture MargharitttaJune 2008
Well... Only 12 people can easily find a place to sit on the chairs and sofa on my terrasse (aka margarita's balcony) so I prefer a meeting in a Japanese way. Everyone should bring some pillows (or chairs) )

Seriously, please choose a place in a center because I'm very often lost in Athens ) or give me a number to a hero who will save me if i'm lost again.

I can't wait to meet you! )

Margarita/ Mał gosia
offroad profile picture offroadJune 2008

Ok Jacub!

I am very jelous when I am thinking IOS!!

I am going to close at GALLERY CAFE  for 10-12 persons.

GALLERY is near the Ancient Market, Thisio and under Acropolis.

I am not much familiar with Google Maps but I will try to put the place by another map direction.

Additionally I should describe in details how easily somebody can reach the place because is really in the centre of Athens and everybody knows Monastiraki!!  .

1st Route

From Syntagma Square take the METRO (blue line) to next station Monastiraki.

Take the exit to Athinas st  and then wright and strate to opposite square.

After the square the second street on your wright is Adrianou. 200  metres far is GALLERY CAFE.   

2nd Route

From Omonia square take the  Electric Train HΣ Α Π (not METRO) to next station Monastiraki.

After the square (outside the station) the second street on your  round wright is Adrianou. 200  meter far is GALLERY CAFE. 

Both routes is so sort that is possible somebody to cover the distance on foot!!!!

As for time I think is more capable for 20.00- 20.30 pm. 


Pedestrian Adrianou 33

Tel: 210-3249080

Gallery cafe site is

I hope until the evening to load a map!

More details of course on my mobile 0030 694 2558570.

jakub_polyglot profile picture jakub_polyglotJune 2008
Yes, definitely, time: 20h to 24h, then I can stay more if someone who will stay after 24h accept to  CS me :-)
jakub_polyglot profile picture jakub_polyglotJune 2008

Raaa... I just lost my comment because of timeout!

Ok, let's make short... because internet by satellite cost much!

Christo! I would be for your choice of place! Please find that address on and send as a comment.

Also the time/hour is too early maybe? What about 20h-21h? Gosia from CS told me that it would be more convenient, some people work until 18h, time for shower, rest a bit...

We dont know how many people will register but next time the meeting could be organized at Gosia's home. She has a huge terrasse and is ready to do that. Let's talk about that during our meeting on friday!

So, Christo, I count on you to bring as much details as you can and THANK you for your help!

As american girls says "I'm soooo exiteeed" :-) to meet you all there!

Jakub/Kuba at this moment in IOS