Germany - Polyglot Netzwerk

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Willkommen zum Germany Polyglot Netzwerk!


ANJELAS profile picture ANJELASNovember 2008

Hallo Zusammen!

Ich heisse Angela aus Italien. Jetzt wohne ich in Muenchen (Laim) und ich moechte Tandem machen.

Ich will meine deutsche Kenntnisse verbessern.

Wir koennen reden waehrend wir eine Tasse Kaffee trinken oder spazieren gehen.

Ich warte auf eine Antwort von dir.

Viele Gruesse,Angela

Ps:ich kann auch Englisch und Spanisch.

jeffredhot profile picture jeffredhotNovember 2008
Guten Morgen Deutschland!

I would like to make an invitation to you who lives in Germany.

There're a State in Brazil called Rio Grande do Sul, that has

strong influences from German Culture and Habits.

You'll feel home sweet home seeing something about it.

Be my guest.

Regards from Brazil
rahmancairo profile picture rahmancairoNovember 2008

hi all.. im Egyptian who studies in Germany.. anyone interested in Arabic-German language exchange?

_JuStMe_Monica profile picture _JuStMe_MonicaSeptember 2008
Hi @ all :)

I´m a 18 years old girl from Germany and I want to improve my spanish and english. Hope u can help me )
yamabama profile picture yamabamaSeptember 2008
hia everyone (:
im from germany and i would like to improve my english.
so if you interested in learning german write me an email (:
Hybi1818 profile picture Hybi1818September 2008

I´m Nadine and I would like to learn better english. When you are a native english speaker and interested in learning german please contact me.


uneari1 profile picture uneari1September 2008
Helo everybody, im  from kosovo and i am interested to help anyone who need for help and  in  the same time i need to help me someone to learn german and french laguages.  i hope somebody  can help me for  this.

wish you the best

maks4e profile picture maks4eAugust 2008

hi, i really happy to find this course in i-net. hope that it'll help me to improve my English.

  i'll be glad to  become friends whith u.



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