HUGE International Friday open air event at Dribbdemarkt with Afterparty 🔥, Fri, May 3, 2024, 6:00 P...

Description de l'évènement

  • Date: May 01, 2024
  • Temps: 04:00
  • Adresse: Adresse visible pour les participants

Are you ready for a massive international gathering? Join our vibrant WhatsApp group for updates and exclusive events! 🌎
Join WhatsApp Group

Get the party started at 7:00 PM at KARLSON CLUB with our social event, then transition into a lively party extravaganza from 10:30 PM onwards!

Don't forget: Be there before 10:00 PM to secure your entry!

Directions to KARLSON CLUB: Find us on Maps

Experience Frankfurt's premier international event, hosting over 300 attendees from various countries every Friday!

  • Connect with 300+ individuals from the UK, Spain, Germany, Italy, France, The US, Colombia, Mexico, and more
  • Engage in language practice at dedicated tables or simply enjoy drinks, games, and forge international friendships
  • Improve your German at our native speaker tables, and explore new language opportunities
  • Exciting addition: Asian corner with South Korea, Japan, China representation. Meet new Asian friends and enjoy complimentary Soju bottles!
  • Party continues inside from 10:30 PM with a live DJ!

Join us for the ultimate Friday night experience in Frankfurt!

Event Highlights
• Frankfurt's largest expat and weekly international event
• Connect with diverse individuals, learn about new cultures, practice languages, and enjoy social activities
• Make lasting international friendships and feel part of Frankfurt's global community
• Welcoming environment for all nationalities and language levels
• Photography and recordings may be shared on social media platforms

What to Expect
>> Join our international family and engage in cultural exchange and language practice
Feeling hesitant? Don't worry, you'll make friends in no time! Join activities like pub quizzes or Beer Pong to connect with others
Enjoy the relaxed atmosphere at KARLSON CLUB and explore various language tables for interaction
Flags indicate the languages spoken at each table, offering a diverse linguistic experience

Your Contribution
Entrance fee: 5€ for all participants. Your support helps us organize and enhance the event experience, including free welcome shots and Soju
**Prices are kept affordable while covering event costs, your understanding is appreciated
Important Note
RSVP for every meetup due to limited space and high attendance

With no fixed agenda, feel free to join at your convenience, but arriving early is recommended. We strive to accommodate all attendees!

Ils parlent de nous !

Media coverage - Polyglot Club
