in berlin

Descrizione dell'evento

  • Data: Nov 02, 2007
  • Tempo : 01:59
  • Indirizzo: Indirizzo visibile ai partecipanti

hi .

ich bin abraham , ich bin 24

ich wohne in berlin

ich suche freunde, freundinnen zu treffen

ich lerne deutsch , ich will perfekt deutsch sprechen

können wir uns in einer kneipe , cafe, bar, treffen

du kannst mir eine eine Note  schicken

Parlano di noi!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


pat profile picture patNovember 2007
Hi Abraham,

Good idea,t his Polyglot Meeting in Aach. But you should plan AT LEAST TWO weeks in advance. Please change the date and provide a COMPLETE address where you plan to meet. Then, we will send a group mailing to ALL the Polyglot Members living in your area. Also, we slightly edited your post, and deleted your personal email address, because it is easier if you ALL communicate right HERE for this Meeting.


Polyglot Administrator