CAFE PERL: English Conversation (conversation en anglais), Sat, Dec 7, 2024, 10:00 AM

Etkinlik Açıklaması

  • Tarih: Dec 07, 2024
  • saat: 10:00
  • Adres: Adres, katılımcılar tarafından görülebilir

**UPDATE:** Our gatherings are currently being held at Cafe Perl as of October 5th.

**IMPORTANT NOTE:** From June 1st, 2024, until late October, we will be meeting at the picturesque parc de la Tête d'Or. Please keep an eye on our Meetup invitations for location confirmations.

**GUEST SPEAKERS:** Once a month, we feature guest speakers. If you're interested in presenting or know someone who would be a great fit, please reach out to Johnna! Upcoming topics include nutrition and a language guide.



**FOR FIRST-TIME ATTENDEES:** An annual digital pass is required, which you can obtain by contributing a minimum of 1 Euro. While the suggested donation is 10€, this amount grants you access for the entire year to both our groups: International Hangout and Coffee and English. You may bring cash or request my PayPal details or bank IBAN/RIB for a bank transfer.

In 2022, we initiated a voluntary donation system to promote the sustainability of our groups. We encourage everyone to invest a little to reduce last-minute cancellations and no-shows.

We appreciate your involvement in Cultural Fusion!

It is crucial to keep your RSVP updated. Please ensure that you give others the opportunity to join if you cannot attend. Thank you!

During our sessions, we break into small groups of approximately 6-8 participants. Discussion questions will be provided, so come prepared to engage in dialogue and ask questions. Listening is also key; this is a conversational setting designed to be enjoyable and relaxed for English practice, suitable for all proficiency levels!

**ON THE WAITLIST?** Make sure to register well in advance for multiple weeks. Contact the organizers via text (you'll receive the phone number through Meetup messages) and mention the event name, date, and time. We will do our best to accommodate you if a spot opens up!

**QUESTIONS?** Please feel free to comment in the discussion section below or message "the organizers/l'animateur" directly.

Looking forward to seeing you there! Johnna

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