Mercredi polyglotte, Wed, Nov 29, 2023, 7:00 PM

Event description

  • Күні: Nov 29, 2023
  • Time: 19:00
  • Мекен-жайы: Address visible for attendees

Welcome everyone!

Join us every Wednesday at 7:00 PM for the "Mercredi polyglotte" event at Overcraft Café in Vieux-Lyon. We will be located on the ground floor, to the left next to the babyfoot table.

Each week, we gather as a group of around ten people to enjoy a drink and engage in conversations in different languages. Don't worry if you only speak one language, everyone is welcome 😃 .

This event is free, but we kindly ask each participant to purchase a drink at the bar (no table service). There are also snacks available on the bar's menu.

Identify yourself as a polyglot at the bar to receive discounts on select beverages.

We also host a polyglot evening event every Friday at 7:00 PM.


Hello everyone!

Come and join our weekly polyglot meetings every Wednesday at 7:00 PM at Overcraft Café. You can find us downstairs on the left, next to the babyfoot table.

On average, our group consists of around ten people who gather to have a drink and converse in various languages. However, even if you only speak one language, you're more than welcome to join us 😃 .

This event is free of charge, but we encourage everyone to support the bar by purchasing a drink (no waiter service). Snacks are also available on the bar's menu.

To enjoy discounts on certain drinks, simply introduce yourself as a polyglot at the bar.

We also organize a polyglot event every Friday at 7:00 PM.


Hola a todos!

Te invitamos a nuestros encuentros políglotas todos los miércoles a las 19:00 en el bar Overcraft Café. Nos encontrarás en la planta baja, a la izquierda cerca del babyfoot.

Cada semana, en promedio, formamos un grupo de alrededor de diez personas para compartir una bebida y conversar en diferentes idiomas. ¡Pero no te preocupes si solo hablas un idioma, todos son bienvenidos 😃 !

La entrada a este evento es gratuita, pero te pedimos amablemente que compres una bebida en el bar (no hay servicio en las mesas). También hay pequeñas opciones de comida disponibles en el menú del bar.

Preséntate como políglota en el bar para recibir descuentos en algunas bebidas.

Además, organizamos un evento políglota todos los viernes a las 19:00.


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