Polyglot Aix Mardis

Event description


pedroglob_ profile picture pedroglob_May 2017
Merci, ceci est une bonne idée, j'adorerais pouvoir participer
daikhi_fay profile picture daikhi_fayMay 2017
اجد هذا العمل جدا مهم و اشكركم جزيل الشكر !و سوف احرص على ان اكون من الحاضرين. شكرا
vincent profile picture vincentMay 2017
A ce soir entre 20h et 00h30 :-) Vince
eamandae profile picture eamandaeApril 2017
Thank you for a very nice evening Yesterday!! To all the new comers and the regular members, see you soon again. Welcome back next Tuesday! Cheers, Amanda :-)
eamandae profile picture eamandaeApril 2017
Welcome this evening to the weekly Polyglot club event on Tuesdays starting 8 PM. Please subscribe for this event. Do not forget to bring your Motivation and your Smile and lets have fun learning/improving languages in a friendly environment. Your host and admin Amanda :-) Cheers!! :-)