France - Polyglot Network


vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2009
hi i'm here
wakeboarderin profile picture wakeboarderinMarch 2009

Hello i search for new friends is there anybody?

vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2009
Le plus grand meeting de tous les temps à lieu le 24 mai 2009 ici !!

lulin profile picture lulinMarch 2009

c'est quand ? la grande fête..?  c'est déjà passé?


mistou profile picture mistouMarch 2009

je vous aime tous vive l'amour



aiwa profile picture aiwaFebruary 2009


mrlove profile picture mrloveFebruary 2009

Helloooooo every body ,,,, I am so happy to meet you and itis frist time iwsh to meet arealy friend for practise and teach other languge .

Any perosn need one who truth him i eed and search for areally girls how like to start with me this step for ever i dont care about the place or where are you becouse love make us asmal world .

Have anice  day  ,,,

Take Care ,


vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2009
is glad to invite you to its HUGE PARTY

*Tongue & Body Language*




Nad räägivad meile!

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