Nord-Pas-de-Calais - Red Polyglot


Marine-Mer profile picture Marine-MerFebruary 2013
Hi! I can help you to improve your french pronounciation Could you help me in English?
FloraRnv profile picture FloraRnvJanuary 2013
HI there ! Bonjour tout le monde ! quelqu'un parle espagnol dans le coin ? and also english ?
petitekate profile picture petitekateDecember 2012
coucou qqn veut apprendre du polonais?
clbd profile picture clbdNovember 2012
bonjour je suis nouvelle
smilieber profile picture smilieberNovember 2012
I'm frecnh
Chifary profile picture ChifaryNovember 2012
I'm french
shez profile picture shezOctober 2012
Please excuse my inability to talk in French... I am looking to learn the language
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