Lille - Polyglot Network

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Language Exchange

Café Polyglotte au Café de Paris

Just sit at the table of your choice according to the language you want to practice. You just need to order a drink.

Address: Café de Paris, 34, rue de Paris - 59000 Lille

Tel: + 33 3 20 54 93 11

Speak And Meet

The Speak And Meet Association (SAM) regularly organizes events around board games. You will be able to play while speaking foreign languages in different bars of Lille. A small participation is asked to the participants to cover the expenses of the association.

Tel: + 33 6 32 56 46 62


Learn French

L'Alliance Française

French classes to foreign adults in the Lille region

Adress: Alliance Française de Lille 2 Rue Bernos 59800 Lille

Tel: +33


Aliciadu62 profile picture Aliciadu62March 2012
Je souhaite pouvoir correspondre avec une personne qui me ressemble un peu et qui me ferait partager sa culture. Que l'on puisse parler de ce que l'on aime....
Hello! I'm alicia. I am very interested in other cultures. I love dance, fashion, theater play. I listen to a lot of Kpop and Jpop. I like asian films and dramas. I am a pretty shy girl.
I would like to correspond with someone who looks a bit like me and make me share his culture. That we can talk about what you love....
alegriadanza profile picture alegriadanzaFebruary 2012
I'm french, I live in dunkerque, I would like to speak with American or English natives .I'd like to know as well if there are places in my town or near my town (like Lille wich is a bigger city) where we can meet foreign persons in order to discuss with them!!!! I can learn you french or help you in spanish, I would like too have conversation with people from Spain or South America! Bye
jeanneks profile picture jeanneksFebruary 2012
Hi i'm french (living in Lille - North) and i'd like to learn Swedish and Italian . I can teach french, english and a little bit of spanish

Vi ses , ciao
Perle59 profile picture Perle59February 2012
I'm french and I'd like to improve my "english" before my travel in NY!!! and why not meeting nice people!!
See U soon!
Chifary profile picture ChifaryJanuary 2012
Hej, jag heter Yohann, jag skull vilja talar svenska med svenskt ( lesden jag början svenska ) Hej da
lilasha profile picture lilashaJanuary 2012
J'habite à Paris et je suis fan de la Corée!!! J'adorerais faire un échange linguistique pour apprendre soit l'anglais ou le français et apprendre le coréen en échange
Je serais aussi très contente de faire des sorties dans des restos coréen/français pour approfondir cette échange culturel. Des gens intéressés ?
alecora profile picture alecoraJanuary 2010


Je souhaiterai pouvoir discuter avec des hispanophones...  Y en a-t-il par ici?

Bisous à tous et à toutes

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