Caen - Sieć Polyglot

Witamy w Caen Sieci Polyglot!
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Amandine222 profile picture Amandine222February 2012
Hi! Everyone, I'm looking for a pen pal from English or American, for to improve my english and discover their countries and I would go to their countries for to practice the english. Send me a message.
leopard6662001 profile picture leopard6662001January 2012
fjjfd kjtsjt kjtostjky
Gintare26 profile picture Gintare26March 2009




froggieplanet profile picture froggieplanetJuly 2008

Bonjour, good morning, guten tag, buenos dias....

Je recherche un prof de Russe ou un endroit où l'on donne des cours de russe sur Caen.

Merci... Francoise