Lorraine - Réseau Polyglot

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Bienvenue dans le Réseau Polyglot Lorraine!

Bonjour à tous (Hi everyone!)


Please let me know if  someone have some idea for start a meeting in lorraine  i  wait some suggestion about good place or activities .

hope read someone soon!!!!



ANGELA55 profile picture ANGELA55August 2012
Hi, i search a correspondent, i'm French and i want to learn more English, i can to learn French for you, if you want.
Eloise24 profile picture Eloise24September 2012
Hey i'm french, and i want to improve my german. If you want, i can also help you to learn french.
Rossonero57 profile picture Rossonero57August 2012
Hello, someone to speak english?
ASSilva profile picture ASSilvaAugust 2012
hi every one is anybody want to learn some english french arabic ... just cantact
N-ow profile picture N-owAugust 2012
Hi, I want to speak with news people
Morganexalice9 profile picture Morganexalice9July 2012
おはようございます みんな!
私わ Morgane です!
でも、 ももちゃん が かわいい です、ね?
フランス に 住んでいます。フランス人 です !
えと、日本語 と 英語 とフランス語 を 話します!
よろしく おねがいしましす。
私 は、日本 の ともだち を さがして います!
私の 日本語 が ちょっと 悪い でしょう?
私の日本語 お 助けてください o(*o*)o
じゃ ありがとうございます!

Hello everyone!
I'm Morgane, 17 years old!
But, Momo-chan is more cute, right? Call me like that !
I'm living in France so, I'm french.
I speak a little bit japanese, but it's hard to say a lot of things, I'm learning this language! I can speak English and French fluently!
I'm looking for japanese friends which who I can send mails, talk...I really like Japan, it's a beautiful country! I also think that japanese people are so handsome!
My japanese is a little bad, right? ahah
So please, help me with my japanese and I will help you in French or English if you want!
Thank you!
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