Expats in Montpellier's meet up ! Beautiful walk along the Étang de l'Or, Sun, Oct 20, 202...
Event description

- Datum: Oct 20, 2024
- Time: 11:30
- Adress: Address visible for attendees
- www.meetup.com
Hello there!
Join us this Sunday for a delightful and easy 10 km stroll near Montpellier, approximately 20 km from the city. Immerse yourself in the stunning scenery and enjoy a breath of fresh air! Don’t forget to pack a sandwich for a lovely picnic along the way!
You can find the details in both English and French below.
We can't wait to welcome you, whether you're a first-timer or returning friend!
Need a lift or have an available seat in your vehicle? Please share on our wall!
To help cover the meetup expenses, we kindly ask for a contribution of €1 per person, which I will collect during the event.
Discover more about the area here! (Note: This link is in French; see the French description below for details).
Description (English)
Experience a serene walk through the marshes near Candillargues.
If you're seeking a tranquil nature outing, this 10 km walk will guide us through serene marshlands, beginning at the picturesque village of Candillargues. We'll encounter a stunning Romanesque church, traditional southern French landscapes featuring bull farms, and make our way to the beautiful Étang de l’Or.
As we stroll, keep an eye out for herons and ducks, wander through lush reed beds, and savor the refreshing salty breeze from the lagoon. This is a leisurely walk – no hurry, just an enjoyable time in nature and a wonderful opportunity to connect with new friends.
Description (French)
Rejoins-nous pour une balade paisible à travers les marais près de Candillargues.
Tu cherches une promenade tranquille dans la nature ? Cette balade de 10 km te conduira à travers des marais paisibles, en partant du charmant village de Candillargues. Nous passerons devant une magnifique église romane, découvrirons des paysages typiques du sud, tels que les manades, et nous dirigerons vers l’Étang de l’Or.
En chemin, tu pourras observer des oiseaux tels que les hérons et les canards, marcher à travers les roselières, et profiter de l'air frais et salé de la lagune. C'est une marche relaxante et sans stress, juste un moment agréable en pleine nature et l'occasion de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes pour échanger en anglais.

- vincent
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