Paris - Sieć Polyglot

Witamy w Paris Sieci Polyglot!
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Welcome to the Polyglot Club Paris language exchange network

Dear polyglots in Paris area,

If you want to practice  ENGLISH (written or spoken) for free, join the official Discord server ”Polyglot Club Paris”. This server is specially dedicated to members of the Paris region and Ile de France. Once in the main lobby, join the ENGLISH room (text or voice chat).

Connect to Chat Server:

Best, The Polyglot Club Paris team


marthita0506 profile picture marthita0506January 2017
Je etudie une course et voudrais practique francaise. I can teach spanish and english too.
Con mucho gusto pueden aprender español que es mi idioma nativo
vincent profile picture vincentDecember 2016
Dear friends,

Come and join us for an incredible POLYGLOT New Year's Eve Party!

BOOK here :
Best regards,

The Polyglot Club team.
violeta_bu profile picture violeta_buDecember 2016
Bonjour a tous! Doresc sa invat franceza si in schimb va pot invata limba romana .Locuiesc in Bucuresti
ANZOU profile picture ANZOUDecember 2013
Bonjour je voudrais apprendre l'anglais et en échange je pourrais vous apprendre le français. merci de me contacter.j habite paris.
  • Pierrot75019 profile picture Pierrot75019December 2016
    Je cherche à apprendre l'anglais, je suis français donc en échange de tes précieux conseils, je peux t'apprendre le français si tu veux ?
    J'habite Paris, et dispo 2/3 soir par semaine.
Springr0ll profile picture Springr0llJanuary 2014
Bonjour à tous,

I need your help. I am looking for an internship in France but it seems difficult to find one if you cannot speak French fluently. So I am looking for someone who can spend like few hours per week to help me practice French. My french level is somewhere around intermediate level, i think ^^ For me, I can help you improve English. And if you like Asiatic culture and food, especially Vietnamese. It would be my great pleasure to assist you.

Looking for all your responses!

Have a nice day.
  • Pierrot75019 profile picture Pierrot75019December 2016
    I'm french native, and i'm looking for someone to speak English with me. I have to develop my English level for my job as soon as possible... By return, i can teach you french ?
Pierrot75019 profile picture Pierrot75019December 2016


Je cherche une personne pour parler anglais. Je suis français et dispo pour apprendre le français en retour.

A très vite j'espère !

Hi, i'm french and i'm looking for someone available to talk with me in english in Paris. Two time per week, at 19p.m will be perfect for me :)




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