Paris - Мрежа на Полиглот

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Welcome to the Polyglot Club Paris language exchange network

Dear polyglots in Paris area,

If you want to practice  ENGLISH (written or spoken) for free, join the official Discord server ”Polyglot Club Paris”. This server is specially dedicated to members of the Paris region and Ile de France. Once in the main lobby, join the ENGLISH room (text or voice chat).

Connect to Chat Server:

Best, The Polyglot Club Paris team


ShelleyUK profile picture ShelleyUKJanuary 2018
Hello everyone ! My native language is English but I speak French fluently so if you want I can help you with both languages. I would like to improve my Spanish level which is conversational at the moment and start to work on my Arabic too. Please contact me ! This would be a great opportunity!!
vincent profile picture vincentDecember 2017

Vous ne savez pas quoi faire pour le NOUVEL AN ?

Pourquoi ne pas le fêter avec Polyglot Club ? La soirée la plus conviviale de Paris ! 250 personnes du monde entier

 35€ + open bulle + 3 boissons

Ne tardez plus, les places partent vite !

Réservation et informations ICI

hassen_tra profile picture hassen_traNovember 2017
Bonjour je suis Hassen français !
Je peux vous l'apprendre mais je cherche une personne qui m'apprend le néerlandais merci.
torotoro44 profile picture torotoro44November 2017
d'accord j'aim parle avec toi
kords profile picture kordsOctober 2017
Hello everyone! I would like to practice my English, I can help you with your French, if anyone is willing to help me, just reply to my comment. Thank you


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