Описание события

  • Дата: May 15, 2008
  • Время: 11:09
  • Адрес: Адрес, видимый участниками

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Are you interested by a trip to copenhagen and Malmö (denmark and sweden)? oDest=CPH

If you click on this link, you could find the prices and the dates.

I've booked for the thursday May 15th  at 10:05 and the return monday May 19th at 07:35

Between May 15th and May 19th you could find a ticket  which costs  170 euros.

Where  will we sleep? click in this link .

This is a quite place near the downtown...

There  are friends of mine who work in copenhagen and live in Malmö... unfortunately, there is no hostel!!! But we could go by train or by boat. Sleep in copehagen and go to  malmö... The hostel's night costs between 16 and 30 euros.

If you are really interested, let me know...

PS :I have already bought my tickets....   

Actually, I don't know exactly where it would be... People from Malmö and Copenhagen, propose something =).

This meeting has been advertized in the Copenhagen POLYGLOT section so members from there can WELCOME us !!

Meeting in MALMÖ :

Meeting in COPENHAGEN :


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draco_eol profile picture draco_eolMay 2008

Good morning the world....

Actually I don't know any place in Malmö, neither in copehagen...

If you know a great place, tell me!!!!

YOu know better....

PS: I would be in malmö in saturday I think

howwary profile picture howwaryMay 2008

hi.. i just wanted to ask where its going to be the meeting in malmö?? coz am intrested ..

i live in malmö...

draco_eol profile picture draco_eolApril 2008
I've booked for the thursday May 15th  at 10:05 and the return monday May 19th at 07:35
vincent profile picture vincentApril 2008
I have postponed the trip to LONDON because I am not sure I will be able to organize it.

Copenhagen is also a good idea,

best regards,

vincent profile picture vincentApril 2008
COOL!! draco_eol

"Between May 15th and May 19th you could find a ticket  which costs  170 euros."

Did you book your trip ? what are the details ? so everybody can leave Paris go back to Paris in the same time ...

vincent profile picture vincentApril 2008

When you know details (transport and place to stay) would you update this meeting with all the necessary info ??

huangi profile picture huangiApril 2008
hey guys,
Yes, i am also interested, do you hv a rough budget and do we stay in youth hostel? let me know if you do

draco_eol profile picture draco_eolApril 2008

I would go for 4 days (15-> 19May) I will be back monday in the morning the early morning

If you want to go, look Sterling's or SAS's website... I will meet some friends of mine...