Event description


ritaly profile picture ritalyMay 2008
I really wanted to be there tonight ( and I registered actually) but unfortunately I cannot share this Saturday Polyglot's Fever with you all...have fun (I'm sure you will) and hope to see you soon !!!  : )
pat profile picture patMay 2008
SIX more participants before we close shop... and party like there's no tomorrow!!!
pat profile picture patMay 2008
A few more hours left to register and only 12 spots available!
pat profile picture patMay 2008
Only 18 EIGHTEEN spots left before we close the list, so no more procrastinating, JOIN IN!
pat profile picture patMay 2008
A msg has been sent individually to all the REGISTERED participants, with the address and details of this fun Polyglot party at Matt's. Check your Polyglot Internal Mailbox (NOT your regular email), to read this msg. See you there!
pat profile picture patApril 2008
Mmh, Champagne AND punch, my ultimate fav"! And all you can bear chatting and dancing, round the clock =)
vincent profile picture vincentApril 2008

Il y a toujours de la place : la limite est 100 (sans les gens invités)

pat profile picture patApril 2008
Polyglot parties at Matt's have become a MUST in Paris, so don't miz out!