Ürituse kirjeldus


Hanternoz profile picture HanternozApril 2008

Is there a button to print just the message? What do we have to print ?

I used my usual printer shortcut (Ctrl-P), this gave me 5 pages of the left side of this message (due to the menu on the left "home, profile, find friends," etc., which was printed as well). Not really easy to bring on!  Or printing the flyer is enough  ? (see the little message "print the flyer" at the bottom of this threat)

vincent profile picture vincentApril 2008
Hello Yacinekap and welcome on board Polyglot Party!!

the link to the Map has been corrected,

all the best


Yacinekap profile picture YacinekapApril 2008
it's not possible to see the map for the party of friday. Could someone inform me because i'm a new member. Thanks !
vincent profile picture vincentApril 2008
yep it's gonna be wild !!
pat profile picture patApril 2008
wow, I mean WOW! MASSIVE turn out!
vincent profile picture vincentApril 2008
CONGRATULATIONS Phil - bokedglass

tu es l'enregistré numéro 100!!

vincent profile picture vincentApril 2008
pas mal, on est déjà environ 200 [enregistrés + invités] !!

inviter tous vos amis à s'enregistrer

cet évenement cera HISTORIQUE !!

vincent profile picture vincentApril 2008

Si vous venez avec des invités, arrivez tous en même temps pour que vous et vos invités puissiez bénéficier tu tarif préférentiel.

If you bring some guests please come with them so you and your guests can take advantage of the Nice Price.