Trip to LONDON ?

Ürituse kirjeldus


sandy037 profile picture sandy037March 2008

great idea, I'm in but the date doesn't suit me,  I suggest May, 10th to 12th, we can have a roundtrip ticket for about 128 euros, what do you think?

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2008
Thanks voguag !

voguag profile picture voguagFebruary 2008

If you  have no imperatives for dates and check carefully on:, you can buy Eurostar return tickets for as low as 70 euros.

Have a nice trip.

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2008
Do you know what is the cheapest ?
djamel75 profile picture djamel75February 2008
hello everybody!!!!!!!!

good idea! but we need  to find the cheaper price for going to london: BUS, TGV, plane,covoiturage?

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2008
Damned !!  I did not know that ...
draco_eol profile picture draco_eolFebruary 2008

Hi everybody,

This trip is not for me... I need a visa to go to GB... So no London for me!!!

I would like to be a jumper.....But I will do it someday
