!!!! BIG PARTY !!!!

وصف الحدث


pat profile picture patDecember 2007
Thank you all so much for your spontaeous encouragements! Waiting impatiently to see you, Helena and husband, as well as ALL the globe-trotters, birds of passage, students of life and awakened ones from ALL corners. So, stick around for this BIG one!
vincent profile picture vincentDecember 2007
Proud that Polyglot be your first party after BB arrival -))
helenabrillat profile picture helenabrillatDecember 2007

I'm new in Polyglot and i'm glad to participate in this party. I'll come with my husband, it will the first party since the born of our child. So "à samedi soir tout le monde"
vincent profile picture vincentDecember 2007
Thank you very much Sinclar, this is encouraging us a lot to keep organizing !!! see you next time them ... for new year eve ?
Sinclar profile picture SinclarDecember 2007

Hi there,

Last party (in October) was great. It was my first time among Polyglot's people. I met a lot  of interesting girls/guys from very different places. Unfortunately I will not be able to be there next Saturday as I am visiting friends in Germany for the week-end...

To all people who want to speak foreign languages and who don't know (yet) what to do that Saturday: go there. You'll have a great time.

Hope to see you all next time.

sybille profile picture sybilleDecember 2007
Que la fête commence -))
vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2007
Only 4 days before the BIG PARTY !!!
pat profile picture patNovember 2007
Due to the success of such parties and the remarkable setting of this venue, Polyglot is glad to propose another party at the Sai Sai. This time, the organization will be more structured, allowing for easier and more efficient exchanges in foreign tongues.

As you enter the club, we will be issuing name tags in the form of stickers. Your badge will display your name and/or pseudo on the Polyglot Website, as well as the languages that you wish to practice that particularly night. We will ask you to keep your name tag throughout the whole night at the Sai Sai, as this will also identify you as a member of the Polyglot Community.