Polyglot Trip to Yunnan, China

Descrizione dell'evento


vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2007
Thanks Erbs for the info

and welcome to POLYGLOT !!
Erbs profile picture ErbsNovember 2007
Hey guys,

  Funny that this would be my first post (newbie here), but I figured it's something I could answer.

  Chinese New Year is on Feb 7th 2008. That's the first day of CNY. I'm not from China so I can't say their travel habits during that period. But my impression is that China "shuts down" (like how Europe "shuts down" in August) for 2 weeks starting on that day. Blocking out any travel to China 3 weeks before and after that day is probably a good idea.
vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2007
Anybody knows WHEN is the chinese New Year ? chun jie ?

so we do not choose that period ...
vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2007
I think it would be best to go end of january to have low prices

I know a good Chinese travel agency with very low prices

we could go in the south towards Yunan because of the weather : not too hot (like in guanzhou), nor too cold

si ji ru chun
misspascale profile picture misspascaleOctober 2007

Keep me informed Vincent, I may be interested in your project , I miss China too much ! specially the countryside  and the beautiful landscapes of Yunnan ... (but I don't know if I'll be able to travel with a group.. I never did that before...  !!).

Anyway great idea ...


vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2007
I would like to go to China in 2008, but i still have to decide where and when

The idea would be to go with polyglot members from Paris and meet Polyglot members there in China
crushfox profile picture crushfoxOctober 2007
Why is there nothing about it???