Silent Polyglot

وصف الحدث

  • التاريخ: Oct 16, 2007
  • وقت: 20:00
  • العنوان: العنوان مرئي لكل مشترك

Every tuesday and thursday,

you can meet people who wants to improve their french or english or another language.

I propose this time to focus on writing instead of speaking...

What do you think about that idea?

You need to come this time with a pen and a  piece  of paper.

It will be forbiden to talk, even to talk while ordering  a drink !

Choose your language, sit around a table and enjoy !

Where & When ?

SNAX KFE 182 rue St Martin 75002 PARIS

from 8pm

on Tuesday 16


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Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2007
what is your feed-back about this "silent polyglot" ?

vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2007
Don't forget you pen and a  piece  of paper

Betty-boopy profile picture Betty-boopyOctober 2007


- Very suggestive. I'll try to be there!

and for all nice people I met: keep cool & take care.



vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2007

I suggest that the silent polyglots sit on a silent table

the NON silent polyglots can sit on other tables


vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2007
great idea and original