Fête de la Corée

Descripción del evento

  • Fecha: Sept 15, 2007
  • Tiempo: 11:00
  • Dirección: Dirección visible para los asistentes
Hi everybody!

This the equivalent of the thanksgiving but in Korea...



Date and time: Sept 15 (Sat), 11:00 to 17:40

Place: Jardin d'Acclimatation

From M1 Les Sablons staton, 400m (to rue Sablons direction)

or from M1 Port de Maillot station, 700m (Boulogne park, Porte des

Sablons direction)


- 11 : 00 Traditional music performance from an entrance to a stage.

- 11 : 35 Taekwondo performance.

- 12 : 00 Lunch and traditional sports, competition of drawing,

writing and playing knit

(All of knits are provided by Korean government.)

(Drawing competition is only for kids. ^^)

- 14 : 30 National song by a chorus and comments from head of Korean Embassy

Fashion show of Korean traditional clothes

Traditional dance with fan by children

- 16 : 00 Traditional wedding with flower palanquin, horse, and so on

- 16 : 40 Songs and performance by a traditional music and dance team

- 17 : 10 Comments from a head of Korean community in Paris

- 17 : 20 Some Korean songs by choruses

- 17 : 40 End of the festival and sharing of Korean traditional cake

If you want any piece of information,don't hesitate to contact me or better, the Korean cultural institute.

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vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2007
alors c'était comment ?

Lulippe profile picture LulippeSeptember 2007
Hi everybody!

I check the program on the website of 'le jardin d'acclimatation' and it seems that the program had been changed so I let the link here for verybody to see it:


I don't really know at what time I will go,maybe for 11 o'clock but I'm not sure.

I let my number phone too

vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2007

moi, j'y serai en milieu d'après midi

Y a t il un lieu/heure précis de rencontre spécial polyglot pour que l'on puisse se retrouver ?

au besoin ce serait bien que quelqu'un laisse un numéro de tél
misspascale profile picture misspascaleSeptember 2007

Maybe I'll be there too ! I am curious about this culture ... -)

I'll give you a call Vincent, See ya !


vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2007
I'll try to be there