Every Wednesday *All Languages Spoken*

आयोजन का वर्णन

  • Date: Jun 20, 2007
  • Samay: 20:00
  • Address: Address visible for attendees

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Every Wednesday  *All Languages Spoken*


The 'Every Wednesday' meeting is changing during the summer season !!
From Wednesday 27th of June, we will  be having a picnic and salsa "sur les quais"
Every Wednesday from 7:30 pm to 0:00pm
This Wednesday 20th of June is the LAST MEETING AT THE FLEURUS.
Le meeting du mercredi change pendant l'été !!
A partir du mercredi 27 Juin, pique nique et salsa sur les quais à partir de 19h30
Ce mercredi 20 juin et le dernier meeting au Café Fleurus


Following the success of the Polyglot Meetings  *every Thursday and Tuesday*, Polyglot is proud to offer a new Meeting every Wednesday.

The 'Every Wednesday Meeting' is dedicated to conversations in *All Languages*. This gathering will be held right next to the 'Cité Internationale Universitaire', one of the largest university campuses in Europe, so we are expecting MANY foreign language speakers =)

We will give you a name tag where you will write your name and languages you want to practice. You will then be able to practice your favorite language(s) with participants from all over the world.

Thank you for respecting the DRINK policy =)

Thank you for respecting the SMOKE FREE  policy =)


Every Wednesday  from 8-12pm.


Bar Le Fleurus - 10 Boulevard Jourdan, Paris 14

- RER B : Cité Universitaire (1 minute walk)

- T3 : Cité Universitaire (1 minute walk)

- Métro 4 : Porte d'Orléans (15 minutes walk)


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ये हमारे बारे में बात करते हैं

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentJune 2007
C'était cool ce soir pour le dernier meeting de la saison pour le mercredi.

N'oubliez pas qu'à partir de mercredi prochain, c'est un pique nique sur les quais :

vincent profile picture vincentJune 2007
Salut Nicki,

C'est pas grave tu seras là la prochaine fois !! attention check le nouveau programme pour cet été !!
cardesigner profile picture cardesignerJune 2007
Oh too bad I missed last week. It looks like a good turnout for your birthday. Belated happy b-day anyhow!
polyphe profile picture polypheJune 2007
happy b'day Vince,

i put some pics on the photo tab. but you can see more thru this link:


see you tomorow
vincent profile picture vincentJune 2007
What a surprise !!!! to celebrate my birthday like this

it's the first time sth like that happens to me.

Thank you Pat for setting this up and Thank you ALL !!

It's even more upsetting than beeing on TV

SEE YOU SOON (bisou baveux)
multiglot profile picture multiglotJune 2007

Thank you ALL for coming last night, to celebrate Vincent's birthday. It was a real delight to see so many smiling faces, and to hear such a diversity of languages spoken. Seeing Vincent so happy truly made my day! We love you, Vince =)
vincent profile picture vincentJune 2007
Glad you came last wednesday, it was cool with a lot of foreigner (in %   private joke)
cardesigner profile picture cardesignerJune 2007
Hi Vincent. Good to see you and some of the other members last night. Let me know when the Martinique "reunion" takes place. Nicki