Chinese New Year Dinner
Opis wydarzenia
- Data: Feb 23, 2007
- Сzas: 20:00
- Adres: Adres widoczny dla uczestników
Xin Nian Kuai Le! Happy New Year!
Hi Polyglots!!  (En franç ais ci-dessous)
What ?
For the Chinese New Year, French and Chinese speakers will have the opportunity to meet and share their language(s) and culture(s).
This event will be held in a great restaurant: all-you-can-eat from about 30 different Asian dishes (Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Japan...) for just 14,50 euros!
This is essentially a cross-cultural reunion where members meet to discuss topics related to the broad fields of linguistics and cultural studies. Or simply to chat about any topic at all, in whatever language inspires you! So, non-Chinese speakers are also WELCOME!
When ?
Friday 23 February 2007, at 8pm
IMPORTANT: be there on time, because this restaurant is very popular and fills up quickly.
Where ? :
Restaurant 'Jardin d'Asie'
78 rue Baudricourt 75013 Paris
Metro: Tolbiac or Porte d'Ivry (line 7)
Please REGISTER  if you wish to come !!
Salut Polyglottes!!
Quoi ?
A l'occasion du Nouvel An Chinois, les membres chinois et franç ais (sinophones et francophones) vont pouvoir se retrouver pour partager leurs langues et cultures.
Cette rencontre se tiendra dans un excellent restaurant: mangez à volonté des plats de prè s de 30 pays asiatiques (Laos, Vietnam, Chine, Japon...) pour seulement 14,50 euros!
Bien entendu, les non-sinophones sont AUSSI les BIENVENUS!
Quand ?
Vendredi 23 Fé vrier 2007 à 20h.
IMPORTANT: soyez là à l'heure, parce que ce restaurant est trè s fré quenté et sera vite plein.
Où ? :
Restaurant 'Jardin d'Asie'
78 rue Baudricourt 75013 Paris
Mé tro: Tolbiac ou Porte d'Ivry (ligne 7)
Merci de vous  INSCRIRE  si vous ê tes inté ressé (e)
All Polyglot Paris WhatsApp Groups:
- multiglotFebruary 2007
multiglotFebruary 2007 I am still processing all these delicacies, and memories. Thank you to the 22 Polyglots who helped taking care of SO many  finger-licking dishes! We do hope to see you again soon, for a drink and a chat, this time =) |
vincentFebruary 2007 Wahoooo, on peut dire qu'on en a eu pour notre argent : y'avait la quantité et la qualité !!   |
multiglotFebruary 2007 Xin Nian Kuai Le! Bonne Année! Happy New Year... of the PIG! YES, this is the SAME restaurant as Saturday 16 December, when 30 Polyglots literally LICKED the "Jardin d'Asie" clean! This address is a MUST, so don't miss out =) |
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