Every Sunday QUIZZ

Event description


vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2007

Il faut que les polyglots gagnent la prochaine fois. Dimanche dernier, on a pas assuré !! commencez tous à réviser vos dictionnaires et encyclopédies. Tonio en est déjà avec le dictionnaire à la lettre "C", je propose de commencer à la lettre "D"


euro profile picture euroJanuary 2007

La revanche de polyglot !

multiglot profile picture multiglotJanuary 2007
Yes, Augustifolia, maybe too young for a pub. But if you can chaperon me, should be all right, uh?

Can't wait to see you in June, then!

Augustifolia profile picture AugustifoliaDecember 2006
Are you not too young to go to pub? We are coming to Paris in june. 
multiglot profile picture multiglotDecember 2006
Right, second place this time! We're slowly but surely getting back on tracks =) Thanks for your spiritual support, we'll be there for you too!

Be aware that, during the winter break, there will be no quiz. The game resumes on 7 January 2007, so rejoice!

vincent profile picture vincentDecember 2006

We have to prepare ourselves for the next quizz : the polyglots are the best !!

multiglot profile picture multiglotDecember 2006
OK, we failed miserably last night, and only came in THIRD place =(

But make no mistake, we WILL be back, organized and armed with EVEN more method and knowledge! Whoever wants to be on the winners' side, welcome in the Polyglot Team!


multiglot profile picture multiglotDecember 2006

And YES, the Polyglot Team wins agaaaaaaain! Third star, so far! Thank you Jean-Pierre for the organization and for the outstanding mic-work =)

And congratulations to all the Polyglots who helped us towards victory!

Ho-hoo, it feels like I am getting used to drinking champagne on Sunday nights -)