Every Sunday QUIZZ

Event description


euro profile picture euroJanuary 2007

Félicitations à Polyglot !  Congratulations !

Polyglot a gagné le match mais aussi les séries suivantes: géopolitique, blind test, art et sport.

multiglot profile picture multiglotJanuary 2007

Oh MY! TWICE in a row! Victory again for the Polyglots, but this time was momentous, as we won NOT just shots and champagne, but also TWO WONDERFUL RED FISH!!

Alongside our beloved and respected chameleon, these two "piscis" will act as mascots to symbolize Polyglot efforts, and what TEAM work can achieve! We have not yet checked the fish's gender, but we have decided to name them "Polly" and "Glot". We actually HOPE that this IS a couple!

Stay tuned for more =)

multiglot profile picture multiglotJanuary 2007

Yes, the Polyglot team wins again! And yes, Euro, not just the overall quiz, but ALSO the "scrabble" part, which is OUR Polyglot pride!

Mmmmh! Champagne never tasted sooo sweet! Especially since we could share it with our favorite competitors. Heartfelt thanks to Tony, Sab, Severine, Estelle, Phutong and Pengyou =) Now that we're back on top, let's make sure we STAY there!

And a round of applause for Euro, our Polyglot jack-of-all-trades and all-round entertainer who dedicates his entire week-ends to keep us busy thinking ^.^

euro profile picture euroJanuary 2007

On a gagné ! On a gagné !

Felicitations à Polyglot.  L'équipe était très forte cette semaine.  On a gagné au scrabble aussi.

Polygot  put an end to the  reign of the méchantes garces lubriques.

multiglot profile picture multiglotJanuary 2007
All right, all right, change of strategy, I'll start with "z", much, much shorter, actually :-P
euro profile picture euroJanuary 2007
Donc, je dois poser les questions où les réponses commencent avec z.
vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2007
ok, je fais le "E" :-)
multiglot profile picture multiglotJanuary 2007
Yeah, let's take up the challenge and do it! I'll cover "letter D" =) Who's up for "letter E"?