MAC2006 - Espace Champerret Paris 17°

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multiglot profile picture multiglotNovember 2006

Hello Bulent =)

Thank you for your interest in Polyglot, and in the city of Paris. This section is specifically designed for Polyglot Meetings. You are welcome to join if you happen to be around.

If you wish to organize your own Polyglot Meeting, you can do so by consulting the Polyglot FAQ on the left menu bar. On the FAQ, just click on "Meetings", then "Set Up" and follow the steps.

If you are just  looking for pen pals or chat pals,  check out our  specific  sections: "Find Friends" and "Chat" on the same left menu bar. 

Best, Bulent!


Polyglot Admin

bulent_BJK profile picture bulent_BJKNovember 2006

hello how are you

are you from paris?

I am bulent and I am from istanbul in turkey

multiglot profile picture multiglotNovember 2006

Way rad, Eliwa!

Pumped idea! I  will send a Mailing to  notify all Polyglot Members in  Paris and vicinity.  And since there's a Polyglot party that Saturday night from 6pm, we could all attend BOTH events.

I checked out your website and it rocks! Good deed, there =)
