pub irlandais - châtelet - the hideout, rue des lombards

Event description

  • Дата: Nov 19, 2006
  • Time: 20:00

Bonjour à tous les polyglots  !

Je vous propose de se retrouver le dimanche 19 novembre pour une soirée au pub irlandais à Châtelet où on peut bavarder en anglais et français.

Quoi  ?

Prendre un verre, parler et jouer au pub quizz (anglais et français)

Ou / Quand  ?

Rendez vous  à the Hideout (pub irlandais)  à  20 h 00 (métro Châtelet), rue des lombards.


Hello all the polyglots  !

I suggest to meet on Sunday the 19th of November for a french english exchange at an Irish pub.

What  ?

French/English exchange at an Irish pub.

Where/When  ?
Meet at the Hideout, an Irish Pub in the rue des lombards, métro Châtelet at 8 PM.


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vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2006
i'll come : I want to BEAT the american GIRLS  !!!!
multiglot profile picture multiglotNovember 2006

*YAY* for J-P (Euro)

You can pat yourself on the back for a job well done, J-P! The  MC-ing and Jury-ing  were  very  pro, and  I must say, the mic looks good on you *LOL*

OK, to all of you out there who missed the event, the Polyglot Team (again) made the morning news. At 23:58, the Jury unanimously awarded the title of "Best Quizers of the Week" to US! Rejoice!

(For the record: first time I had champagne after a pint of lager, in an Irish pub  -)

multiglot profile picture multiglotNovember 2006

Hello Cye94, and thank you for your interest in our Polyglot activities!

I assume that the "Hide Out" Irish pub is open in the afternoon. However,  Euro, who is the organizer of this  Polyglot Meeting decided to  gather from 8pm this Sunday 19 November.

After a show of hands and  a  further poll among the Polyglot Community, we will try to assess the opportunity of an earlier  Meeting in the afternoon. So, stay tuned!

See you soon, Cye 94 =)


Polyglot Admin 

cye94 profile picture cye94November 2006


J'ai 2 enfants et le soir pas facile, en après-midi c OK pour un autre dimanche.

Le pub ouvre dans la journée ou que le soir ???

If it's possible, it will be coooooooooool. Thanks for your patience.

cye94cye94 profile picture

vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2006

Way to go, Euro! I'll definitely try to come =)

One detail, could you specify in your post if we'll be meeting on the ground floor (at the bar) or directly on the basement, as you suggested? Keep in mind that not ALL participants will  show up  right at the top of the hour.

Delighted to have met last night, and looking forward to meet again, with many other Polyglots!

vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2006
Nous avons décidé après discussion avec Euro de faire plutot cette rencontre le 19 car le 12, il y a déjà une rando roller et tout le monde risque d'être fatigué de faire deux activités le même soir.
multiglot profile picture multiglotNovember 2006

Hayya Euro,

Just dropping a note to let you know that your post is scheduled for 19 November,  however,  in the body of  your msg, you mention "12 November."  Is this  a  typo? Just for the sake of clarity and coherence ^.^

