Polyglot Party in the center of Paris

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multiglot profile picture multiglotNovember 2006

Hi Polyglot Heads!

Don't forget to bring some food and/or drinks.

We will provide plenty of food for thought =)

vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2006
47 : Gees it's gonna be big !!!!
vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2006
not 38, 40 already
multiglot profile picture multiglotNovember 2006

VIK, kid! Long time no sea! Can't wait to see your  out-of-this-solar-system  art again!

And, Oh My! You Polyglots scared the bejesus out of moi, already THIRTY-EIGHT registered participants :-O

Ok, about  the  chow,  I'll spare  my all time fav, which also happens to be one of the most cosmopolitan dishes,  ta-daaaaa, *c-r-e-p-e-s*! Dunno yet if they'll turn out  sweet,  sour or... but I'll fix it in the mix -) 

Share  YOUR world!


vIkvIkvIk profile picture vIkvIkvIkNovember 2006

Centre ville, c'est cool... Cheers
vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2006

Could you tell us what food and/or drink you will bring ?

so we can know if we'll have enough or too much of such item ?

I will bring wine and rhum



vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2006

I have the feeling  it's gonna be the greatest PLOC ever knowing that the last 2 were wonderful eventhough a little bit far from Paris. This one right in the center ....

multiglot profile picture multiglotNovember 2006

Ouch, one more helluva night! I feel *chat over* already -) Thanks Matt for the proposition. In case  it wasn't clear enough, I  think I'm down with it, hehe ^.^

Peace out!

*Chat over* a) : Agreeable physiological effects following heavy consumption of cultures and/or the use of  foreign  vernaculars  b) :  A  natural high  preceding and/or following great excitement.