SUNDAY Polyglot PICNIC !!!

Event description


Polyglotus profile picture PolyglotusJuly 2012
Venez nombreux ce dimanche car nous allons filmer! A+
Polyglotus profile picture PolyglotusJuly 2012
We will be filming this Sunday... We hope to see as many of you as possible. Cheers, A
vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2012
Inna and/or Thomas will be your host this Sunday !
vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2012
Les prévisions sont bonnes pour le pique nique dimanche !
pat profile picture patJuly 2012
I heard the picnic was FUN on Sunday 22 July!! SO grateful for the sun to be around! Thank you Thomas and Inna for hosting that wonderful meeting! See you all very soon =)
vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2012
A tout à l'heure !! temps parfait !!