Jeudi - ENGLISH class

Опис події


eamandae profile picture eamandaeNovember 2012
See you this evening at 7 pm at latest! Please register on site asap if you will participate, and unregister if you can not make it (please do this asap at latest at 5 PM) Thanks!
eamandae profile picture eamandaeNovember 2012
Welcome tomorrow at 7 pm. Do not forget to register if you are coming asap. Thanks!
eamandae profile picture eamandaeNovember 2012
Do not worry it will be fun, a melting pot of ideas and role play and guessing with more... Welcome on Thursday at 7 pm!!! :-)
eamandae profile picture eamandaeNovember 2012


Thèmes traités le jeudi 29 novembre 2012: 

As usual, QUIZZ and ACTIVITIES. This week topic is: country travel and back to school...

- and this Thursday : NEW activities to create even MORE interactions and even MORE fun learning! Welcome and try our NEW concept!