Picnic aux Buttes Chaumont?

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  • Tanggal: Aug 27, 2006
  • Waktu: 12:00

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Hi all!!

So, I thought that it could be possible to make a picnic on the Buttes Chaumont. This famous Park is the biggest in Paris and the prettiest for me, and I think that it deserves that everyone knows it.

I thought that we could do it on Sunday the 27th at 12h.

Im sure that everyone can makes good cakes or salads...

To go on Buttes Chaumont : métro Buttes Chaumont, ligne 7 bis, or Pyrénées ligne 11 (on the bottom of the street), or Laumière ligne 5 (on the top of the street, not to far away..) etc... There is a lot of stations for this park, cause it's so big, but there are the mains of them.


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polyphe profile picture polypheOctober 2006
ok je viens
vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2006


Sorry i could not be there sunday caus i was attending another meeting in Amsterdam. I hope the meeting was good. Elean have sent her mobile phone number so there should not have been any problem ...

Elean, yes I added the picture (i did a link to a picture from another site), you can do that when you send a new comment : you can add a link to any other picture from any other site ...

see you !!

Elean profile picture EleanAugust 2006

Sooo, all people who are registed will receive my phone if there'll be a problem...I repeat like thursday : at 12h  in the "dôme" (Vincent, is it you who put the photo?), like in the photo.

see you tomorrow!

HELLENVETIQUE profile picture HELLENVETIQUEAugust 2006

Hello everybody Polyglot's!

Thank you for this invitation. It's a good initiative idea!

Yes, it is possible for me to come for the picnic on Sunday 27th august 2006 at on the Buttes Chaumont, next to the swan lake.

About the meeting place of appointment, I propose to join in front of the town hall of Paris 19° district and next to the « La Kaskad'Café », in Place Armand Carrel and at the intersection of the street of "Rue Manin", "Rue du Rhin", "Rue Meynadier", "Rue Armand Carrel" and the "Avenue de Laumière".


vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2006

great idea!!

we can talk about it

tonite (free concert meeting)

or tomorrow (Pont des arts picnic)