Event description

  • Date: Dec 02, 2011
  • Tempus: 20:00
  • Address: Address visible for attendees
  • Couchsurfing

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Dear polyglots Following the success of our last party, we are proud to bring you back our 

As we meet and speak different languages all the time, let us meet this time speak different languages and also eat different cuisines from all over the world.
WHEN?     Friday evening, 2nd december @20h
WHERE?   Private appartment in Paris 17th.   (Exact address will be sent by mail to registered members 2 days before the party)
The concept is simple: Prepare something to eat/drink at your place and bring it to the party so we can have dinner together. Let us share cuisines from all over the world. Please, bring something typical from your country or region. If possible something good :-) !!!
No readymade food from market please!, this is all about cooking something and sharing your delicacies with everyone. We want to know food from your culture to learn and appreciate you more.
Attention: Limited capacity   20 people maximum. 
REGISTER   only if you are sure to come. Last minute cancellations are not appreciated for a small event like this, so check your agenda and register only if you are absolutely sure to attend.
NOTE:   If there are less than 10 participants, the party will be cancelled. 

New! Join 120+ TRIPS from Paris, designed for polyglots!


New! Join Polyglot Paris on WhatsApp!

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colloquetur de nobis!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


Tocca profile picture ToccaDecember 2011
On part de chez nous avec de la cuisine mexicaine =) J'espère qu'on trouvera facilement l'endroit...
sanjaursa profile picture sanjaursaDecember 2011
Is there still place? I registrated and would like o come:) I will bring Croatian food
nico974 profile picture nico974December 2011
Hi Lingo,

I registered yet. Unfortunatly I dont have any update from my 2 friends. Nevermind, am sure the next gathering they should attend. See you tonite. Am gonna bring creol food.