🇷🇺 🇫🇷 Soirée RUSSE et Français - Vendredis

Event description


vasek_87 profile picture vasek_87November 2019
Можно ли прийти не зная французского и сколько это стоит?
fb_1573570439 profile picture fb_1573570439November 2019

Bonjour Idem je suis niveau A1 débutant.

Est il intéressant de venir pratiquer chez polyglot ou encore trop tot?

Ahmed117 profile picture Ahmed117November 2019

Bonjour, j'ai un niveau A1 en russe, est-ce que je peux participer ce vendredi :) ?

exRanger profile picture exRangerNovember 2019
Stuck up here @ The Three Frontiers (ie, Fracn-Luxembourg-Allemagne border region) of Lorraine department, this affaire is a bit outta the way for me, else I'd LOVE to sit in w/ y'all Russkie~Frantsuskiye (and those who are fully French) for this gathering. Alas, I am resigned to having russkiy razgovor w/ friends @ Ukraina and RF via phone applications and the two (2)! native-Russian speakers I know, both in Luxembourg. Hope y'all have a great time @ the meeting! -exRanger (edwin)
  • vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2019
    Oh my God, too bad you are stuck there! you would be very welcome to attend our event in Paris ! Let us know if you can make it one day
vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2019
Soirée pour pratiquer le français et le RUSSE, ce soir à Paris ! #russeparis #parlerrusse #soireerusse
colinoo profile picture colinooSeptember 2019
Je serai un peu en retard ~20:30
vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2019
A ce soir !!