Making vegetarian Pizzas/Flammeküchen

Description de l'évènement

  • Date: Aug 19, 2009
  • Temps: 19:30
  • Adresse: Adresse visible pour les participants

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all is in the title.  I live near charles de gaulle etoile

and good spirited people are invited for making pizzas this wednesday from 7PM30 to 11PM.

if u want me to be ur girlfriend, please don't come. same if u're against vegetarism or ecology.

if u can bring ingredients : dough,  cheese, sauce, sour cream (we'll also try to make flammeküchen), mushrooms, peppers, eggs...

NO  MEAT (no red, white meat nor fish, reptiles, bugs)


please send me a personal message with what u want to bring or write it down here )

i also invited a very good dough maker )

i live in a 9m2 on the 6th floor without elevator, so if u think it'll be too tiny for u, please don't sign up to the meeting )

i also like  mature and well educated people who don't criticise the house of their host.

of course the number of people is limited, so i'll send the adress to the first    4 people who will write me a personal message and who will have their personal picture on the website. Please write to me as soon as possible. I may not have access to the internet between  tuesday PM  and wednesday 5PM. We'll be  6 in total. Right now, we're  5 confirmed guests, and we'll be able to practice foreign languages : french, english, german, chinese, hindi, hebrew, swedish... )

IF  YOU  HAVE  MY  ADRESS, please don't give it. Even if the member has signed up here.

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vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2009

Great idea : thanks for proposal :-)