Soirée Polyglotte - Samedis - 🇫🇷 🇬🇧 🇪🇸 🇵🇹 🇷🇺 🇨🇳...

Описание события


polyphe profile picture polypheNovember 2009

y a til meeting ce samedi si oui ou a til lieu ?

stefek profile picture stefekNovember 2009


Toutes les personnes désirant aussi parler le polonais sont le bienvenue :)

Alors n'hésitez-pas, witamy :)

vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2009

Hi Woman78

ALL levels are welcome!!

if you are not too confident at the begining, you can still speak French with foreigners who want to learn French



Woman78 profile picture Woman78November 2009


I hesitate to come at a polyglot meeting, because my english isn't very fluent. Globally, I understand all that people say, but I don't have enought vocabulary... Is it exist a debutant level ?

Regards. Pat

vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2009


nov. 14
sam. 19:30

event will be organized in partnership with Meetup !!

pat profile picture patOctober 2009

Hello and welcome, Aristinac!

En effet, TOUS les samedis soirs, nous avons un groupe de plus de cent participants, et de TOUS  les âges, professions, langues, cultures, niveaux et objectifs!

TOUS trouvent leur place au Basile les samedis et/ou au Snax les mardis, mercredis et jeudis soirs =)

aristinac profile picture aristinacOctober 2009


est ce qu il y aura que des étudiants?...

pat profile picture patOctober 2009

YES!! We are back at Le Basile on 17 October 2009, and EVERY Saturday.

Varied as always, diverse as ever!