poliglote - Every Thursday - *No French Spoken* Meeting

Event description


vincent profile picture vincentMay 2006

Rendez vous le Jeudi  18 mai à 20h00!!

patipiq profile picture patipiqMay 2006

NO! Not THE Ludovac??!! Can't wait to meet the multilingual phenomenon again =)

Brush it up, Ludo!

vincent profile picture vincentMay 2006

Ludovac (Polyglot number 1 member with about 20 languages spoken) will be there this thursday coming  from spain ...

This is great news ...

See you thursday :-))

vincent profile picture vincentMay 2006

Pour information, le week end prochain, il y a deux nouveaux meetings :

Samedi : Meeting franco chinois. Aller ICI  em05.gif

Dimanche : PLOC PLIK nic. Aller ICI


rendez vous jeudi, samedi ou dimanche !!


vincent profile picture vincentApril 2006

Last Thursdays the native speakers were mainly English, Américan, Finnish, Chinese, Arabic,  Korean, Spanish, Italian.

However, I think it's better to learn english with non native caus you can speak english all the time (see last Pat's message). What you need is just talk  : listening is not that important  : you can listen to radio, tv.

See you soon

misterfabdede profile picture misterfabdedeApril 2006
Hello Everybody!
Je souhaiterai savoir si les gens qui viennent le jeudi soir sont essentiellement des français ou si on rencontre beaucoup d'étrangers (et surtout 'english native speakers').
Merci d'avance

vincent profile picture vincentApril 2006

Coucou les amis : vraiment génial ce rendez vous du Jeudi !! :-)) Au bout du deuxième jeudi déjà 30 personnes : j'ai peur que le café soit trop petit d'ici peu !! :-/

Sinon : il y a quelques étourdis (dont moi je l'avoue) qui avaient oublié de payer leur verre (4 sans compter moi). Ca serait cool si Jeudi prochain vous pouviez rembourser le Café.

Merci à tous pour votre participation : c'était génial !!

ps : j'attends les photos ...

patipiq profile picture patipiqApril 2006

LOL! Good one, Ram!

Dadi, welcome to Babel! This is where you belong, where tongues  are numerous and values plethora. No hassle, just join in =)

And Vince, I firmly believe that you are right! Not about me being an English  *native* speaker (not QUITE there yet). But regarding the notion of "active ear" ("oreille active"). Language learners can hear their  target vernacular anywhere and at anytime, these days. What we all need is someone who listens actively to what we have to say. Whence the concept of "active ear". I'd be interested to hear other comments on the concept...

The Thursdays'  Bar PLOC (Polyglot Learn  Other  Cultures)  are an excellent opportunity for practicing your favorite languages. So hop in!