poliglote - Every Thursday - *No French Spoken* Meeting



joce95 profile picture joce95July 2006
I am 55 years old. Do you accept me at this meeting.... My English is not very good but I make big efforts because I like to travel all over the world. It's not so easy to learn English again but impossible is not French, isn't it ? I live in the north  of the suburb of Paris.......    I am looking at the match France-Portugal. There is a penalty..... Je retiens mon souffle : .....  Zidane is the best in the world !!!! Sorry, I leave you, but the match wait for me.... 
patipiq profile picture patipiqJune 2006

Hi Polyglots!

Sorry to hear that Carrie is heading back home. We'll see you overseas, hang in there, Carrie!

Welcome to all new (and old comers)!

And Laurent, we'll discuss your proposition for this week-end, tonight. Hope you'll make it =)

wuying508 profile picture wuying508June 2006
It's been a long time since I went to polyglot meeting last time, hope you guys still remember me. Can't wait tonight, see you then!
Miss_Olga profile picture Miss_OlgaJune 2006

Hallo everybody!

I'm a newcomer, I hope I'll recognize you all :) it will be a pleasure to meet you and to speak English that I've a little bit firgotten.  (Or it's not only English?)


lorenzo2006 profile picture lorenzo2006June 2006
SUGGESTION! Hello Vincent and Pat'! Following last Thursday's meeting, I have in mind the idea of a Picnic party, possibly mixed with Salsa. 2 options (checked the weather: sunny!): Picnic and Salsa on Saturday June 17th, around 18h30/19h00 Just Picnic on Sunday June 18th, around 19h/20h. Location: Esplanade carrée aux sculptures Quai St Bernard, Square Tino Rossi, Paris 5e M° Jussieu ou Sully-Morland ou Gare D'austerlitz What about this? My email in case: lorenzo2006lorenzo2006 profile picture Take care, Laurent
vincent profile picture vincentJune 2006

Hello everybody!

For Those who know Carrie  : this Thursday 15 of June will be her last meeting because she goes back in the US at the end of the week. It would be cool to say good bye to her.

See you this Thursday  !  !

vincent profile picture vincentJune 2006

Hi all!!

see you next thursday at 21:00 !!!

cant wait to be thursday :-))

For info, there's a meal (about 100 expected  and table set in the middle of the street !!) in the Gouttedor distric Sunday june 11th Click HERE!!!!!


Deleilah profile picture DeleilahJune 2006

J espere vous rencontrer jeudi prochain

A bientot