poliglote - Every Thursday - *No French Spoken* Meeting

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vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2006

Great the last meeting !! about 50 polyglots were there (approximately as i am not good with figures).

About the TV recording, i've got it from Celtica, but i am afraid to watch it. I have not opened it yet ...

After the TV two weeks ago, the radio France Bleue was there  yesterday  : that's too much advertizement !!

Soon, the Biarritz Cafe will not be big enough.



patipiq profile picture patipiqAugust 2006

Thanks Celtica for recording the TV broadcast. Can't wait to see Vince's mug on screen -)

See ya!

vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2006

As soon as i have your CD, i'll split in in parts and post it on the site for download

See you Thursday nite


CELTICA94 profile picture CELTICA94July 2006


I recorded the program from Direct 8 on my computer and made a copy on CD. I will give it to Vincent on Thursday 03/08. It is a video clip file of about 120 Mo you can read for example with Windows media player.

If anyone would like to have it, I  can send it by email (but I'm afraid it may be too big) or by downloading on msn.


vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2006

Hello everybody,

whaooo !!!!!!

This was quite an experience for me to be on TV and to feel like a star (taxi, makeup, ...). I was stressed out one hour before but i really thank Dalian for her support caus she went with me to the studio. When the moment arrived i did not feel so tense although still a little... Direct8 is quite a professional TV !!

Thanks to Celtica, we'll also have the video. i'll put in on the site on a new section "They talk about us".

Two weeks ago, there was also an article in "Courrier International'. I'll post also a scanned picture of the article on the site.

See you THIS thursay : same hour, same place.

We are planning on changing to another bar but i'll let you know at least 1 week before if we change the place. We know some very nice bar in the Denfer Rochereau or Bastille area.

Looooong life to the polyglots!!!!


dp profile picture dpJuly 2006

I can't help saying that it was a terrific performance for Vince on Direct8 TV  !

He seemed to feel even more comfortable than the presenter, indeed.

Interesting to see how the meetings look like.

Hopefully it will help me join the next one.


patipiq profile picture patipiqJuly 2006

Great Celtica, thanks for the support!

It looks like the broadcast has been postponed until this Sunday 30 July. And, as a bonus, you will get to see Vince *LIVE*  Ta-daa!

If you could tape this, it would be much much appreciated =)


CELTICA94 profile picture CELTICA94July 2006


I've been looking at direct8  last saturday and sunday at 13:00, but I saw nothing abour polyglot. I should also be able to recod the program on my computer when it will be broadcast.

See you tonight.